UKMP - Første konsultasjon om falloplastikk

Dette er en transkripsjon av min første konsultasjon om falloplastikk med Dr. Liedl hos Urologische Klinik München-Planegg i Tyskland. For mer informasjon om klinikken, se Nedre kirurgi: Del 5 - De tyske klinikkene.

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Sted: Urologische Klinik München-Planegg

Dato: 03.04.2023

00:00:15 Levi
Do you speak English?

00:00:16 Dr Liedl

00:00:46 Dr Liedl

00:00:49 Dr Liedl
So what is your wish?

00:00:51 Levi
So I'm here because I'm seeking phalloplasty and they don't do that in Norway, where I'm from.

00:01:00 Levi
So I came here because you have a very good reputation with those kinds of things.

00:01:06 Dr Liedl

00:01:06 Dr Liedl
Okay, good.

00:01:08 Dr Liedl
Did you have surgery before?

00:01:10 Dr Liedl
Any surgery before?

00:01:11 Levi
I have had top surgery and I will be having hysterectomy this fall.

00:01:17 Dr Liedl
You will have?

00:01:20 Levi

00:01:38 Dr Liedl
Can I make a letter in German?

00:01:44 Levi
I suppose so.

00:01:45 Levi
If you are not able to do it in English.

00:01:48 Dr Liedl
I could, but it is much more work for me.

00:01:51 Levi
Yes, I understand.

00:01:54 Levi
I think it should be fine.

00:01:58 Dr Liedl
I make it in German and if you need, I can translate it.

00:02:03 Dr Liedl
Of course, if you need.

00:02:05 Levi
I mean, I don't understand German myself, so if you're able to do it in English, that would be great.

00:02:13 Levi
If not, I can have someone else translate the form.

00:02:16 Dr Liedl
Ok, that makes sense.

00:02:18 Dr Liedl
So, Drammen.

00:02:46 Dr Liedl
Where is Drammen?

00:02:47 Levi
It's in the south-east part of Norway, 40 km southwest of Oslo.

00:03:08 Dr Liedl
Since what time do you have hormone therapy?

00:03:10 Dr Liedl

00:03:12 Levi
October 2018.

00:03:20 Dr Liedl
And physiotherapy since what time?

00:03:24 Levi
I'm sorry?

00:03:25 Dr Liedl

00:03:27 Levi

00:03:28 Dr Liedl

00:03:29 Dr Liedl
Or logical examinations.

00:03:30 Levi
Yes, I have that since 2019 through the public healthcare in Norway.

00:04:47 Dr Liedl
Levi is a male name?

00:04:49 Levi

00:04:50 Dr Liedl

00:05:27 Dr Liedl
And you want a complete phalloplasty with electile function? Erectile prosthetic?

00:05:33 Dr Liedl

00:05:35 Dr Liedl

00:05:37 Levi

00:05:38 Levi
On the long term, that's what I want.

00:05:39 Levi

00:05:46 Dr Liedl
The vagina.

00:05:47 Dr Liedl
Should it be closed?

00:05:49 Levi
I don't want to close it if I don't have to.

00:05:52 Dr Liedl
You don't have.

00:05:53 Dr Liedl

00:05:54 Levi
Then I would rather leave it.

00:05:56 Dr Liedl

00:06:06 Dr Liedl
Are you a smoker?

00:06:07 Dr Liedl
Non smoker.

00:06:11 Dr Liedl

00:06:11 Dr Liedl
Right handed or left handed?

00:06:12 Dr Liedl

00:06:13 Levi

00:06:20 Dr Liedl
What is your profession?

00:06:22 Levi
IT engineer.

00:06:33 Dr Liedl
If you have any sickness before any disturbances of your health.

00:06:41 Levi
No, no.

00:06:42 Dr Liedl
But no regular drug therapy.

00:06:48 Dr Liedl
Only hormonal therapy.

00:06:51 Dr Liedl
Or the other drug therapy.

00:06:55 Levi
I take testosterone.

00:07:00 Levi
I also take.

00:07:01 Levi
Take a little bit of melatonin.

00:07:04 Dr Liedl

00:07:04 Levi

00:07:05 Dr Liedl

00:07:05 Dr Liedl
But there's no.

00:07:06 Dr Liedl
No for heart like this.

00:07:12 Dr Liedl

00:07:14 Dr Liedl
Can I see your arm?

00:07:21 Dr Liedl

00:07:21 Dr Liedl
This arm would be best for phalloplasty.

00:07:24 Levi

00:07:24 Dr Liedl
Here you have no hair.

00:07:26 Dr Liedl
This will be the urethra and the artery is very good.

00:07:32 Levi

00:07:32 Dr Liedl

00:07:33 Dr Liedl

00:08:29 Dr Liedl
The best technique for you would be the radial forearm flap.

00:08:32 Levi
Yes, that's what I was hoping.

00:08:35 Dr Liedl
There is another possibility to use anterlater, but it will be very thick and there are some disadvantages for this flap.

00:08:47 Dr Liedl
So I would recommend radial forarm flap.

00:08:49 Levi

00:08:50 Levi
I read that if you use the thigh, you don't get the same sensation.

00:08:54 Dr Liedl
As yes, it's much more complicated.

00:08:59 Levi

00:09:01 Levi
I was hoping to use that.

00:09:03 Levi

00:12:03 Dr Liedl
So this is the letter you need for your insurances, that everything got necessary is a fan.

00:12:19 Dr Liedl
So the first step.

00:12:43 Dr Liedl
[Printing papers]

00:12:45 Dr Liedl

00:13:02 Dr Liedl

00:13:05 Dr Liedl

00:13:30 Dr Liedl

00:13:31 Dr Liedl

00:14:12 Dr Liedl
And if a patient management.

00:14:20 Dr Liedl
On patient management.

00:14:23 Levi
I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with the term patient management.

00:14:28 Dr Liedl
They organize surgeries and you can phone, you can mail, everything they organize for you.

00:14:36 Dr Liedl
This is a letter for you once for use personally.

00:14:42 Dr Liedl
And you see you need here from your geotherapist, you need statement and you need from your insurance is a statement.

00:14:54 Levi

00:14:55 Levi
So the way it works in Norway is I send some documentation to the public healthcare and.

00:15:03 Levi
Okay, so I might need some documentations.

00:15:07 Levi
From you, but I suppose I would get that from the patients.

00:15:09 Dr Liedl
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

00:15:12 Dr Liedl
Ok, this is first then.

00:15:16 Dr Liedl
Do you have questions?

00:15:19 Levi
None that I can think of right away.

00:15:22 Levi

00:15:23 Levi
Actually I do have one surgical question.

00:15:27 Dr Liedl

00:15:28 Levi
Because I do you take the clitoris inside of the penis or do you leave it outside?

00:15:35 Levi
I know some people do that.

00:15:37 Dr Liedl
Both is possible.

00:15:43 Dr Liedl
Most people want to have it within.

00:15:49 Dr Liedl
And we do it in the way we remove parts of the skin and so we can incorporate into the urethra, so that most of the feeling is intact.

00:16:05 Dr Liedl
And we additionally make a nerve anastomosis to the clitoral nerve.

00:16:11 Levi

00:16:12 Dr Liedl
We have normally two nerves here, and one nerve is anastomositimized with the clitoris and another nerve with the nerve of the groin.

00:16:23 Levi
Okay, interesting.

00:16:27 Levi
Yes, that's okay.

00:16:29 Levi
But I got the answer to why I was wondering.

00:16:33 Levi
Yeah, I think I have all the.

00:16:36 Levi
Everything I need.

00:16:37 Dr Liedl

00:16:38 Dr Liedl
Of course there are complications, especially the urethra.

00:16:43 Dr Liedl
They are strictures, fistulas.

00:16:46 Dr Liedl
But we can manage it.

00:16:48 Dr Liedl
It's no big problem to manage all these problems.

00:16:52 Levi

00:16:53 Dr Liedl

00:16:53 Levi
Yeah, yeah, I'm aware.

00:16:55 Levi
I've read a lot of people say that it can be a lot of complications.

00:17:00 Dr Liedl
And the risk of this would be the loss of the flap.

00:17:07 Dr Liedl
But I think that the risk is in our department, less than 0.3.

00:17:14 Levi
That's very low.

00:17:16 Dr Liedl

00:17:17 Levi
You have done this a lot, I assume.

00:17:20 Dr Liedl

00:17:21 Dr Liedl
The risk is very low.

00:17:22 Dr Liedl

00:17:22 Dr Liedl
That's very low.

00:17:24 Levi
That is very comforting.

00:17:25 Dr Liedl
I have been, because we have a.

00:17:26 Dr Liedl
Very good micro surgeon is very exact.

00:17:33 Dr Liedl

00:17:36 Dr Liedl
I'm very proud to have him.

00:17:41 Levi
That is very comforting.

00:17:43 Dr Liedl
Yes, yes.

00:17:45 Levi
Okay, well then I'm glad I.

00:17:46 Levi
Okay, thank you very much.


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